Pate werden

Grundsätzliches über eine Patenschaft für KIFICE


  • Bei Übernahme der Patenschaft erhältst du mind. ein Foto und eine genaue Beschreibung der Familien- und Wohnsituation deines neuen Schützlings.
  • In regelmäßigen Abständen (aber mind. einmal jährlich) senden wir dir aktuelle Fotos sowie immer wieder auch mal einen Brief oder aktuelle Infos deines Patenkindes. Du bekommst von uns soviel Einblick wie möglich, das ist ein großer Vorteil einer kleinen Hilfsorganisation :-) 
  • Du kannst deinem Patenkind gerne einen Brief/ein Mail schreiben und es auch persönlich kennen lernen, solltest du dich zu einem Besuch in Kenia entschließen. 
  • Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass die Beantwortung von Fragen zu Patenkindern manchmal etwas dauern - wir hier in Österreich arbeiten alle ehrenamtlich - aber wir bemühen uns, diese so rasch als möglich zu klären. 
  • Wenn du auf Facebook oder Instagram bist, kannst du unsere Aktivitäten - inkl. Fotos der Kinder - regelmäßig mitverfolgen. 
  • Du gehst mit einer Patenschaft natürlich keine Verpflichtung ein. Bitte überleg dir trotzdem vorher, ob du ein Kind längerfristig begleiten möchtest.

Wir suchen Paten!

Patenschaften für den Betrieb von KIFICE

Wir suchen auch Paten für unsere KIFICE Schützlinge, um den regelmäßigen Betrieb zu ermöglichen (Teilnahme an Talentwettbewerben, Kurse, immer einen Ansprechpartner finden, Verköstigung,...). Diese Kinder gehen zwar meist zur Schule - allerdings auch nicht immer regelmäßig. Wir übernehmen die fehlenden Gebühren und organisieren ein sinnvolles Freizeitprogramm, damit sie nicht auf der Straße landen. 

James Munyoki


Ich bin 17 Jahre alt. Ich lebe mit meinen Eltern und drei Geschwistern. Ich liebe es auf der Bühne zu stehen. Ich spiele Trommel, bin als Schauspieler aktiv und tanze. Endlich habe ich eine Möglichkeit gefunden, Erfüllung in meinen Talenten zu finden. 


monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Cosmus Katana


Ich bin 17 Jahre alt. Ich lebe mit meinen Eltern und Geschwistern. In meiner Freizeit bin ich Musiker und Schauspieler. Ich bin so glücklich im Projekt dabei zu sein. Die Workshops die wir machen helfen mir viel selbstbewusster zu werden. Wenn man weiß wer man ist, hat man mehr Chancen für die Zukunft. 


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,-

Doreen Adongo


My name Is Doreen Adongo, I am a 17 year old girl. KIFICE has given me a chance to practice my talent. I love modeling. Fashion and design is also my priority. Being in kifice has helped me grow my talent and the desire to want to be a great model in the future.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Henson Riziki


I am 18 years old from Kilifi Kenya. I play a traditional Flute called a Chivoti. I also compose and sing cultural songs. Through KIFICE I have been able to meet different musicians and instrumentalists who always Guide me in growing my talents.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Jay Juma


I am 22 years old. I am a skilled craftsman.  In KIFICE I am able to use my skill to develop film sets, stage design and prop creations. Putting my skills and creativity at work makes me very happy.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

mehr zu Juma
Jay Juma Faraj.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 165.3 KB

Linda Kazungu


I am 16 years  old. I live in Kilifi Town. I love acting and dancing in Giriama cultural dances. KIFICE is like a second home for me. It has made me see my talent in a more positive way. I have met other like minded and talented individuals in KIFICE. It has also made me embrace my love for cooking.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

mehr zu Linda
Linda Kazungu.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 161.1 KB

David Katana


I am 17 years old. I live in Kilifi with my parents and siblings. I love Dancing at KIFICE I have been introduced to some professionals dancers who make a living through dancing. This has really encouraged me.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Abdallah Mohammed


I am 17 years old. I live in mnarani village within Kilifi county. I am a form 3 student at Kilifi township secondary school. I am a good dancer. I Have found a team in KIFICE we are trained new skills by professionals. I love KIFICE.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Lilian Chitsuna


I am 16 years old. I live in KILIFI with my parents and siblings. I am an actress and poet. In KIFICE my poetry work has been performed in many occasions by the narrators in the group. It feels good to have your work exposed to bigger audience. I have also learnt many stylistic devices that have helped my work.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Ramla Hussein


I am 23 years old. I live in Kilifi county Kenya. I am an actress.  KIFICE has given me a platform to show case my talent to the wider movie industry of Kenya.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

David Katana Chengo


I am a lover of music, a great actor and an MC in events. I started singing at an early stage. I am happy that Kifice has been able to help me do what I love and even advance my skills further. 


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Joan Mnyazi


I am a girl age 18, I love singing. I am also passionate about modelling. I love being creative with fashion. Being in Kifice has helped me realize that one can always believe in talent.

I would love to keep singing and working on my fashion and design skills.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,-

mehr zu Joan
Joan Mnyazi.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 136.1 KB

Tina Wanje


I am a girl age 16, I love acting so much. Being in Kifice has helped me identify my strength as far as talent is concerned. I enjoy doing what I love, kifice helps us be what we want to be. There is nothing as good as doing what you love as a career. That is what kifice is preparing me for. 


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,-

Mumin Khamisi


My name is Mumin Khamisi. I am 17 years old. I live in Mnarani. I love modeling. Kifice has helped me to nurture that creative part of me. I am greatful and will forever love to be part and parcel of kifice.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,-

Dalton Okore


My name is Dalton Okore. I’m 17 years and I love modelling. Dressing up and posing are the things that make me feel good. I love fashion. My dream is to become an international model.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

mehr zu Dalton
Dalton Okore.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 175.7 KB

Christine Kache


I am a girl age 18, I love acting so much. My passion for acting is beyond measure. I live with my mom and my other siblings. Kifice has been so good to me because it has helped me identify my talent.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,-

Joy Nyambura


I am a girl age 16, I love taking pictures. My talent is based on photography. Kifice has helped me a lot. It has encouraged me to pursue what I want. I would love to keep on growing in kifice doing what I love.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,-

mehr zu Joy
Joy Nyambura.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 217.9 KB

Lucy Shoka


My name is Lucy Shoka . I am 18 years old. I live with my mother and my siblings. I love acting so much. Being in kifice has helped me realize the need to maximize on my talents. Here, we learn a lot of stuff concerning talents. I am proud to be a member of Kifice.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Winnie Safari


I am a girl age 17, I love dancing. I live with my mom. Being in kifice is so much fun. Here we explore our talents the way we want. Apart from being a dancer, I am also an actress and an mc.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Lina Margaret


My name is Lina Margaret. I love dancing, acting and taking pictures. I enjoy doing what I love here at kifice. Here ,I feel like I  have a family that understands what I love. 


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Bryton Baraka


I am a boy aged 21. I live in mnarani village. I live with my mom and my siblings I love the art of making film. I am learning a lot here at kifice. So far,I have been taught how to shoot videos and take photos. I would love to be a film maker in future. Therefore I feel proud being in Kifice.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

mehr zu Bryton
Bryton Baraka.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 218.0 KB

Shukrani Kazungu


My name is Shukrani Kazungu. I come from mnarani village. I love playing musical instruments. I am singer, at kifice, I have engaged a lot in music while in Kifice. Being here feels at home.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 



My name is SHAWN . I am 11 years old. I live in Mnarani. I live with my mom and my siblings

I love acting, as young as I am  Kifice has instilled in me the power to work on my talent. I am happy to be here in Kifice.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,- 

Janet Mbaga


My name is Janet Mbaga. I am 23 years old. I live with my grandmother and my siblings. I am passionate about cooking. I have come to love engaging with my fellow cooks who have the same energy and passion as I. Being in Kifice has made it more interesting. Here, we appreciate each other’s talent. Am happy to be in Kifice.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,-

Fredrick Kenga


My name is Fredrick Kenga. I live in Mafumbini. I love taking pictures. Being a camera guy is all I wish for. I am so much interested in becoming what I want to be in future. Kifice is giving us a very good platform to do what we love. I am humbled and happy to be here.


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,-

Abigail Mnyazi


My name is Abigail Mnyazi. I live in Mnarani. I love singing. I am passionate about singing and performing before a crowd. I enjoy having the mic and letting out my voice. 


Monatliche Patenschaft: EUR 20,-